Tag: guided meditation

Everything is fine except… (1)

1. Why do farmers grow apple trees? 1) To get apples : Correct 2) To grow apple trees : Incorrect 2. Why do we grow ourselves in life? 1) Because we want to grow : Incorrect 2) Because we want to complete : Correct 3. Why do we learn in life? 1) Since life is …

Navigating Troubled Waters – Buddha’s Fun

Listening to ‘Buddha’s Fun’. Surrendering to the voice, surrendering to the message, surrendering to breathing. Opening. Being open. Connecting. With my center, with myself. Listening. Feeling – experiencing – breathing. Myself. Feeling the pain inflicted by me.  In me, around me and back to myself. Seeing clearly, recognizing mySelf. Taking responsibility.  Changing! Really? Experiencing and …

I am the mirror

Once upon a time, there was a mirror. “I am the mirror”, he said. A HwanDo practitioner asked, “How much are you?” The mirror answered, “You tell me” The same practitioner asked,”$10?” “That is only for the frame.”, continued the mirror, “The real sale price goes up from there and it depends on the value …

An Intangible Value

Photo From Barbara Ann Brennan book Light Emerging We have all given and received many compliments and apologies in our lives.  Why is it that sometimes it is easier to accept those compliments and apologies and other times it feels like we just can’t move on? It seems like humanity in general has become overly …

Cherchez la femme, and a man

A battle of the sexes goes on not only in the outside world, but is an intrinsic part of our everyday living and being. Unless you, the reader, came from planets other than Earth, Mars, or Venus. Science is finding hard evidence of the differences between male and female brains, as described in this article …

Change – a Continuum

I realize to really live Life I cannot ‘want’ or ‘expect’ anything. Good days change with challenging days, ups with downs. There are no ups without downs. But I can strive for my decisions and actions being consistently driven by love and benevolence, with no hidden agenda. I can serve my purpose and achieve my …

Hiding yourself

Dear fellas, We are here to be who we truly are and to be beyond what we are now. However, when you hide yourself from you yourself, soon you will be forbidden to access everything in the universe genuinely.  You are the one who does all this to you solely.  Being forbidden is not an …