Just do it: Put in the Ingredients and get what’s Being Made

When I practice Harmony Meditation, there is often a moment of transition that I can recognize very precisely, after the fact, as THE pivotal moment of transition to something better. I can remember how it felt and how a shift occurred because of all that accumulated before-hand. It’s a peak of concentration, letting go, and energy. A break through point, if you will. It can be wondrous and fulfilling. It can also be settling and soothing, all at the same time.

I know this sounds vague and very imprecise.  That’s because I can’t exactly explain the actual process. It’s not physically seen through anyone’s eyes. It is very possible to practice it, however. The results are undeniable, too, by anyone who comes into contact with me. I’ve made something very valuable through practicing: an improved condition, and so to me, it’s time well allocated.

Meditation has been scientifically verified time and again, as well as, highly recommended by the medical field as a whole, to improve a person’s condition… It’s not magic. It’s not exactly a secret, either. It works well because of the internal and external systems we all share. It’s very logical to me that there should exist a method to maximize results within myself for my own condition so that I can maximize my results anywhere else outside. What’s more is that because of the practice, I can get more efficient at improving my condition over time. And as far as I can tell the improvements can compound from what’s already been improved upon before. That’s pretty powerful!

What else can I say? … It works. So, I do it. 

Wow, What a Ride This Has Been!

Photo by Duk Gwang

For the last 2 weeks I have been doing training along with studying the audio book “From “Well-Being to Well Dying: Harmony Meditation: A New Way to Completion”.  Aside from losing 8 pounds there has been a much deeper change within me.

I noticed that my ability to sit and meditate, which was practically non existent, has changed and is of a higher quality.  I also realized that my taste in food changed within 3 days of starting this training.  Some foods I used to love just a couple of weeks ago made me cringe the second I put it into my mouth to the point where I had to spit it out!

The book talks about a brightness within.  I have confirmed this for myself through this training and realized that it is actually getting brighter.  What is it? What’s the significance of it?  I have no idea!  I do know that it is there and the brighter it gets the more alive, joyful, and harmonious I become.  I also feel like I have become a little more patient and compassionate with others and myself.

These are things I have struggled with before, so why is it coming much easier in such a short time now?  I really believe the answer is because I began from a different place and from a different intention within myself.  This seems to make all the difference.  What is that starting place?  What is that intention?  I will share that soon. 😉

Why Having a Dream is Important

Harmony Meditation Audio Book

“Your energy unfulfilled can actively create emotions so you inherit many unnecessary problems.”
Johwa Choi – Harmony Meditation

Do we ever really consider that we are creating emotions in order to be fulfilled?  I think I normally view my emotions as something that is happening to me. I think most people feel this way or that their emotions are part of them. However I have definitely noticed that if my mind is not focused on something worthy that has benefit and purpose, it affects my energy and body.  I also see it in others all the time.  Maybe if we look we will see that when our energy is unfulfilled we may tend to be more emotional and bicker over trivial things more.

When you have a dream you are working for trivial things seem even more trivial.  Have you experienced that while focusing on something more important than yourself that every day gossip and the “he said, she said” conversations seem to be such a waste of time?

Have you noticed that people focusing on their dreams don’t tend to gossip  much?  I wonder if the lack of a dream makes us look for excitement and fulfillment through creating unnecessary emotions?  It seems that when the small things occupy our mind they make us small and our talk is local.  When we have a dream we are less focused on ourselves and tend to talk more globaly.

It reminds me of what Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”  I think that the bigger the dream the smaller those other things become.

What is Love? – feelings and needs

In this funny dialogue [@59:50] Marshall Rosenberg, the author of bestselling “Nonviolent communication: A language of Life”, illustrates misunderstanding that happens between a jackal and a giraffe. A giraffe sees love as an essential human need and a jackal limits the notion of love to a certain feeling. In harmony meditation terms the jackal represents a small egocentric self, and the giraffe – a Bigger Self.

Dr. Rosengerg:

Watch this jackal ask a very dangerous question, but notice that the giraffe is too smart ever to answer this question.

  • “Do you love me?” – asks jackal.
  • “Jackal, before I can answer your question honesty, I need to get some important things clear. Are you using the word love as a feeling?” – asks giraffe.
  • Yes, of course.
  • Well, I needed to get that clear. So you mean am I feeling a certain warm cuddly tender feeling toward you?
  • Yes!
  • Okay, I needed to get this clear because we, giraffes, do not use the word love as a feeling, it’s much too important to us to get it confused with a feeling. It’s a need for us. But since you use it as a feeling, okay, I am glad to know that. So now that I know that, would you please ask that question again?
  • Do you love me?
  • When?
  • When???
  • Well, I want to be honest. I can see how important this is to you, but how can I be honest with you about what I feel toward you without reference to a specific moment? Feelings change every few seconds. Life is changing, feelings are part of life, so I have to know specific time and place to ever answer your question of how I feel.
  • What about right now?
  • No. But try me again in a few moments.

I’ve recognized myself in both roles. Do I love me? When? And when can I love myself deeply enough to share that love naturally with others?

I’ve been a jackal and a giraffe,

I’ve had misfortunes and misgivings.

I craved for love and recognition,

And gave according to my feelings…

A gentle voice from bigger self

Speaks out softly, with wisdom and love:

“I feel your pain and here I am.

Forever present, loving and bright.”

Hanl & Bigger-Self

61XfdurAOyL._SL500_AA300_PIaudible,BottomRight,13,73_AA300_The most genuine formless form of true Life is Hanl.

Hanl never says anything yet you can hear through your mind.

It never told any but we have many stories about it.

We never know what this is 100% but it’s not possible to be forgotten from it either.

What is it?

Limited Limitlessness

Has the entertainment industry exhausted its ideas on limits of human potential? The last two movies I watched portrayed the limitless human potential as the power to kill, control, dominate. In “Limitless” the main character’s highest aspiration after attaining improved abilities was to run for a position of power to gain more power. In Luc Besson’s “Lucy” the main character played by Scarlet Johansson killed numerous people (including innocent victims) in order to survive and gain 100% of her abilities. With her powers to control others, she could have just as easily make her enemies feel human again and surrender their evil ways instead of causing a massacre. This would not have made a good movie, though.

We are so used to thinking that improved abilities mean more control and dominance, more physical and mental power over others. How about the power of love? Is it not the  best kind of power transcending time and space?

What abilities would you like to have if you were limitless?