Tag: Brainhavefun

Wow, What a Ride This Has Been!

For the last 2 weeks I have been doing training along with studying the audio book “From “Well-Being to Well Dying: Harmony Meditation: A New Way to Completion”.  Aside from losing 8 pounds there has been a much deeper change within me. I noticed that my ability to sit and meditate, which was practically non …

Harmony Meditation Assignment

For Transformation Tuesday here is my take home test: 1. Look at the pictures to the left labeled ‘Before’ and ‘After.’ What happened? How did it happen? 2. Is there NO turning back? 3… Hint: There’s a gentle loving virtue in the world felt and delivered through me. It’s called HwanDo. It’s found at Harmony Meditation. It’s for BrainHaveFun.