Meditation as Medicine

Meditation is continuously making headlines as people and studies are increasingly showing benefits for physical healing and over all well being.

Meditation is being offered more and more in hospitals around the country. For treating all sorts of conditions and symptoms from headaches to HIV.

Recent research shows meditation’s soothing effects can be detected in arterial walls and in the brain. Once considered outside the mainstream, today more insurers are paying for meditation, both as a form of medication and as preventive medicine. -ABC News

The age old practice has shown to be useful for healing, happiness, and spiritual completion for thousands of years with no signs of slowing down.  Not only does it develop a sense of well being, but as I have experienced, it also leads to incredible self discoveries, independence, at the same time elevated social responsibility with practical applications and benefits for all.

Can you Tell?

My personal experience… look at the before and after pictures, especially.  Can you tell what’s different?

I ask that you please comment by answering the question and share the video. There are people looking for this kind of service but they’re not sure where to get it.  If you help get the word out,  they’re more likely to receive the right guidance, as I have.

Thank you!

Harmony Meditation Assignment

before spring 09 after summer 13For Transformation Tuesday here is my take home test:

1. Look at the pictures to the left labeled ‘Before’ and ‘After.’ What happened? How did it happen?

2. Is there NO turning back?


Hint: There’s a gentle loving virtue in the world felt and delivered through me. It’s called HwanDo. It’s found at Harmony Meditation. It’s for BrainHaveFun.

ZEN Method for Executive Leaders Training Review



This weekend I was fortunate enough to attend the ZEN (Zero Enhanced Nothingness) Method for Executive Leaders training with my wife.  When I first heard the term ZEN (Zero Enhanced Nothingness) it struck me as very cutting edge and I was intrigued to experience more about it.  Needless to say the training exceeded my expectations.

It’s always difficult for me to put into words and accurately describe almost any of the benefits I receive from trainings and consultations with Master Johwa.  Mainly because they are experienced at such a deep level of myself and it would seem that within that space words are all but meaningless.  But of course I will try anyway lol…

As always there is interesting education.  Interesting meaning looking at common aspects of yourself, such as thoughts and emotions, and then experiencing a totally different perspective about them, what they actually are, and how to continuously expand on that in your daily life.  I said experience a different perspective not just seeing a different perspective because it really is much more than that.  Thats one of the main things that makes Master Johwa’s trainings so unique.  Your not just getting knew information on a topic and then doing some basic exercises to change your ideas or perspective about something.  You literally experience a major shift within yourself and have totally different perspective, not because your ideas changed but because you have changed and at such a fundamental level that it is undeniable.

Profoundly deep, meaningful, transformative, shocking, scary, exciting, and at the same time deeply relaxing.  Lol I fell asleep for a few minutes when we were laying down and it was the best sleep I’ve had in months… seriously.

In the end it seems like everything is different.  I have no idea why or how it happened, but it happened.  We never get a syllabus or outline.  Nothing ever seems to make sense or have any logic but somehow someway we take an exact journey together, not by careful calculations to get to a destination, more like an arrival by caring attention and focus.

I’ll go home and everyone will still see me the same and we will interact more or less the same way. But they have no idea how I am seeing them, myself, or am experiencing my life differently now.  I don’t think they can believe it.  They see Matt coming, I see Matt going.

Getting back on feet… by getting down on a cushion

I have weathered what seemed to be a heavy cold with all the pleasantries – cough, voice loss, and an apathetic state with no desire to get up or even live. Thankfully, this is over, and it is time to get back on track with my meditation practice.

Even when I am perfectly healthy, there are days when it’s hard to bring myself to do it. “Just do it!” – a strong voice says, and the little voice replies – “But I am so tired, and I did so many great things today.” It does happen that a little voice wins and goes to bed smiling smugly. I learned to let it go once a while, as long as the frequency of these “victories” is sparse. Today the strong voice after a period of silence has decided restarting the practice, and the little voice had to oblige with the commander. I knew it would not be easy, and I knew to keep my expectations low after a longer-than-I-am-willing-to-admit-to break.

As soon as I sat on the cushion, I could feel the intense fire in the right side of my brain. It was the little voice making all sorts of noises and throwing tantrums – “you see, I told you can’t do it, you are still sick, why don’t you lay down and take it easy?” I waited patiently and the pain came down to the chest, then to the liver and stomach area with some cramping pains, and finally to the lower abdomen and out. After an occasional coughing bout the circle of pain would make rounds again from top to bottom. When I finished, I got up, walked around, and the veil of fog has lifted for me to see that I am ready to be who I am again. Thank you!