Do you wanna build a snowman? An algebra activity with linear equations just in time for Winter Break


My students really appreciate an opportunity to move around, collaborate, and challenge their abilities.  This is one I’ll be trying for the first time this year. Although, it’s a bit early for snow, this is a great way to help inspire winter fun – filled conversations and a great review of linear equations.

Chakra Cleansing to mental Self-defense

chakra girl 1

Grand-Master Johwa will be giving a chakra cleansing training on November 29’th.  Learn about your chakras in a completely new way while actually experiencing them and their value in your life.

If you have never attended a workshop with Grand-Master Johwa then this is an excellent one to start with.  Always unscripted and tailored to the present audience, you will leave this training reaching a new level within yourself that always seemed out of reach on your own.  Please do not miss this rare opportunity.  See you there!Â