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Spiritual Growth Through Relationships Part I

I recently talked about nurturing my brightness by helping the brightness in others and I have to say it has been a pretty incredible week.  I have little time to myself to do training and decided to get it done anyway but on my own time.

If there is someone there I should do something for them and grow my soul in the process.  I decided not to set aside time for myself and isolate myself when it is convenient for me but when it is convenient for others.  What I have found is that the people around me are some of the best tools I have for growth especially my wife.

I used to come home and expect something from her.  If she didn’t meet my expectation I would get angry and irritated.  We would argue and recover well but with much more pain than is necessary as I can now see.  It all seemed very normal, and I think that it actually is and that most people would defend my positions if I told them.  But from my own experience when it comes to growth everything is always your responsibility with no one to blame.  Although it was difficult to see that is exactly what I found once again.

When we met and when we got married I had the intention in my heart that this would be a relationship that would benefit our spiritual growth first and foremost and I feel that somehow and in someway we have been connected through that purpose.

Now my first inclination is “What can I do for her right now?”.  With that new purpose the process and the result has changed completely.  I feel we are much more in tune, caring, and really feel that we are growing together.  Thank You Master Johwa!

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